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The Internet doesn't forget

By Joshua | February 16, 2025

I know, its been a while…  Even longer since I have done a full fledged post.  I have been busy with work, my personal life (YES I do have one!) and a side project I am working on.

HaProxy Certificate Reminder

By Joshua | February 16, 2025

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text] This is a note for myself on the order that the SSL cert info needs to be stored in a PEM file for Haproxy. —–BEGIN MY CERTIFICATE—– —–END MY CERTIFICATE—– —–BEGIN INTERMEDIATE CERTIFICATE—– —–END INTERMEDIATE CERTIFICATE—– —–BEGIN INTERMEDIATE CERTIFICATE—– —–END INTERMEDIATE CERTIFICATE—– —–BEGIN ROOT CERTIFICATE—– —–END ROOT CERTIFICATE—– —–BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY—– —–END…

I don't know anybody like that.

By Joshua | February 16, 2025

I saw this comic in my images I downloaded at some point.  I think it is pretty damn awesome.  

WTF People? Stop Wasting our time and money!

By Joshua | February 16, 2025

So my google is personalized to me, and I saw a this headline “Guy Claims Google Owes Him $500 Billion” and it made me curious (as it should you). Reading over this two things strike me.  First, This is the second time the guy in this story (David Stebbins) has done this.  The last time, it…

I always feared asking the general public what they think of hackers…

By Joshua | February 16, 2025

And this is why : Lesson Learned: Never Ask Strangers About #DefCon – #Lulz Edition From My experience, this is dead on, unfortunately.

Virtual Desktop – BETA Testers Needed

By Joshua | February 16, 2025

I have been working on creating a “Virtual-Desktop-as-a-service” for a while now.  I have hit bumps in the road, including technical aspects of fail-over and  redundancy, all the way to headache inducing licensing. Now, with support from Citrix and Microsoft though, I have managed to now have something that I feel will work well, but I need beta…

Got My First Tattoo, and Status Updates

By Joshua | February 16, 2025

Been busy again, so I haven’t had a lot of time to update the site again, but I needed to get a post about my tattoo up. so heres the tattoo. It means strength in konji. I’m planning to get “Honor” on the right side later.

A look @t My Music Choices

By Joshua | February 16, 2025

For anyone that has known me for a while, music is a HUGE part of my life, and I can thank my mom and family for that. I can still remember my mom putting on the Amy Grant Record and dancing around and singing along with it. (Yes, a Record… and shut it, it wasn’t…

10 Things I Learned from Marching Band

By Joshua | February 16, 2025

10. Surround yourself with like minded individuals, and have a common goal. (Like 1st Place at State!) 09. Sometimes, it is better to play things by ear. (Especially important if your out of tune or out of touch) 08. Your tone and support can be the difference between hitting the note or coming up flat.…

WTF? Get Ready for the Timewarp…

By Joshua | February 16, 2025

I don’t normally post about politics because of the volatile nature, but current events have really got me confused, worried and asking WTF!?!?!?!